By the time March arrives in New England, I find myself restless—eager for the first signs of spring, for bird songs and bright green buds. But here, winter lingers.
While longingly wishing for warmer weather, I noticed my dogwood tree through the window. Its twisted branches, visible only in the winter, will soon wear gorgeous pink blooms. Yet today, it remains surrounded by snow.
Speaking wisdom in its unique way, my dogwood tree reminded me that growth cannot be rushed.
Nature takes its time, and so must I. Though I can’t rush my blooming, I can deepen my roots.
As I wait for the next season, now is a time for grounding, tending to my inner landscape, and nurturing myself so that when growth comes, I will rise without depletion.
The Wintering Tree
Through the cold
and windy nights,
the tree endures,
holding fast to the ground
through nourishing roots
that run deep and wide.
Life seems gone
from her lifeless limbs—
unless you look closely
at the tiny buds,
dreams of the future,
waiting for Spring’s warmth.
Naked she stands,
yet powerful within,
gathering strength
to blossom and bloom
at her given time.
-Catherine Sipher
Journaling Prompt:
I write to heal.
Early in my healing journey, my journal accompanied me everywhere I went so I could hear and process my thoughts as I put pen to paper. Often, those writings came through various writing prompts. To pay it forward, I offer you a journal prompt with each post so you can join me in discovering your inner hero through writing.
If writing to heal resonates with you, consider using the following prompt to direct your writing.
Here is your prompt:
Like the wintering tree, I am preparing for…
Ways I can root myself more deeply during this season are...
Note: I offer Monthly Journaling Prompt Guides for paid subscribers. These Monthly Journaling Prompt Guides are designed to help you discover, understand, and release your inner hero, the one waiting to break free from the shadows. Through each month’s themes and prompts, you’ll discover valuable insights about yourself - your dreams, passions, and interests- and perhaps a little healing.
Journaling Circles
I write to heal and connect with my inner hero.
This essay and poem started with a thought and a pondering, later became a journal entry, and finally, this essay and poem.
Journaling is a way of slowing down, checking in, and tapping into our inner being that so easily gets lost in the hustle of the day.
If you need an opportunity to slow down and connect with yourself in a safe, supportive, and distraction-free space, I invite you to join me for my From a Whisper to a Roar Journaling Circles.
The bi-monthly From a Whisper to a Roar Journaling Circles are a time to gather online, discuss journaling as a tool for self-discovery, write in silence together, and reflect on the process.
I will provide a writing prompt or two for inspiration (take it or leave it). No one is expected to share their writing with the group—in fact, we won’t be sharing our writing! This group is about writing to heal, not about becoming writers!
This is an opportunity to carve time out of your busy schedule to sit in silence undistracted, connect inwardly through the gift of writing, and reflect with the group about the power of writing in each of our lives.
We write every other Friday from 9:00-10:00 AM EST.
Subscribe to receive notifications of these powerful events.